With the PCR Group of Companies you can expect a superior level of competency in operations and staff quality in the following areas to Protect Your Corporate Heartbeat:
The PCR Group of Companies delivers consistent quality service, every time. Our people back their results through proven methods and techniques that quantify efficiency. Constant emphasis on tracking performance and accountability is one of the ways We protect your Corporate Heartbeat.
The key to our steady growth is referrals. Our core enthusiasm for what we do automatically generates a passion for increasing performance. Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm, which explains why our Clients constantly encourage their associates and friends to experience the benefits of the PCR Group of Companies.
The dictionary describes a fiduciary, as someone to whom property or power is entrusted, to the benefit of another. Every customer who deals with us has entrusted two of their most valuable assets to us: their account receivable AND their reputation. All our staff within the PCR Group of Companies understands their responsibilities and legal obligations to protect our Client's financial heartbeat.
At the PCR Group of Companies we attract and retain exceptional men and women who are dedicated to their professional development and career. When you combine this thirst for knowledge with our technology and systems innovations it is easy to see why so many of our existing Clients constantly refer new Clients.
Although each member of the PCR Group of Companies is involved in distinctly different segments of accounts receivable and credit, we operate as one. This provides our Clients with access to a wide arsenal of credit expertise and solutions.